Are you in need of a work space? This years' events have changed the way houses are being build, with more people working from home permanently. Working from home requires somewhere to be organised, somewhere for peace and quiet and for getting the job done - it requires a home office. In previous years, home offices were not really something that people took into consideration when building a new home. However, in 2020 the enquiries for offices and study nooks, as well as...
Instead, build a new home In Auckland, houses are selling like hot cakes, and for crazy prices too. Recently, tens of thousands of Kiwis are returning home and are now snapping up houses in the wider Auckland region, along with international buyers. Many houses sell unseen and before they are even marketed. So, if you are looking for a change of scenery and want to move to Auckland, or if you're currently in Auckland and want to up - or downgrade, it...