Visit our new Display Centre! Our Display Centre at 265 High Street, Rangiora 7400 is now open - come in and browse some of our many home designs, take a look at our colour selection studio, and find out about our great New Home Inclusions.
Not sure what you can build on your land? We ask a building expert in Hamilton to answer some questions for clients to figure out what they are allowed to build on their block and outline the most common rules in each.
Find out how the team at Stroud Homes Christchurch North can start building your new home pretty much straight away! Get in touch with builder Jamie today!
It was a year of firsts for builder Jamie Gwilliam and the team at Stroud Homes Christchurch North. Hear how they managed to sign two new home contracts in the region, despite the challenges.
Building a home is a big decision and the team from Stroud Homes wants you to have a happy building experience and be thrilled with the final product – your new dream home. Here, we'll answer some of the most FAQs about making changes to your home design.
In Hamilton City land is becoming quite scarce and a duplex offers the opportunity to fit two dwellings in the place of one. If you're an investor looking for an opportunity in the wider Hamilton area, get in touch with Stroud Homes New Zealand.
Adding a Minor Dwelling is perfect for those who want to be in the same bubble during lockdowns, but ensure that everyone has their own space too. We speak to an expert builder about building minor dwellings, and what options are available.